PROGRAMS: [Across Lite] [Adobe Reader]
Hey team, I'm in the middle of a month-long charitable run for the Michael J. Fox Foundation. As you know, my father-in-law has Parkinson's, and while it's probably too late for him, it's always a good time to pay things forward. So yeah, I'm piling up some 75 miles over the course of February, and along the way, collecting some donations. So, if you've got a couple bucks burning a hole in your pocket, I could use your help. Click here if you're on Facebook and can chip in. You can get in touch if you can't use the FB link, or, if you'd rather just give direct click here.
I know there's a lot going on, so only give if you can. Thanks ahead of time.
Reminder: Marching Bands year TEN keeps on choogling! You should sign up today if you haven't already! Click the above link for a sample puzzle and how to sign up.
There's also The Hub Crossword (Sunday puzzles by me and Joon Pahk) if you still need more content.
Share the puzzle. New one on Thursday.